Monday, September 29, 2014

Taken by Tarzan - 29-Sep-2014

Seems like the jungle took me captive for a bit, I don´t have TONS of time to describe ALL of the adventures we´re been having, but i want to share the  most important. It´s about miracles.

The miracle rescue
Jaime is our recent convert, and lately he´s been busy with work, and studies, and he hasn't come to church! but the other day he was driving his motokar around, and found two elders. He picked them up dropped them off, and they tried paying him. He said, no, it´s free. and Elder Henriquez immediately asked him...ok, what ward are you from? Primavra said Jaime. haha, then he said he felt as if God was pulling on his ear, letting him know he had another responsibility to fulfill. two seconds later he called us, after being lost for like 2 weeks, i received his call, he said he wanted to take us to our appointments at night and it didn't matter how far. Well, he was an answer to our prayers and pockets. We had a family home evening with a family that lives practically on the border of Peru and Brazil, so its far, and we aren't doing so hot money wise. he got us there and the family felt blessed to be visited by the members too.

The miracle find
through contacts, and through the mercies of our Heavenly Father, we have been finding FULL families who want to be baptized and join the church. They had testimonies. they are reading the Book of Mormon, they are coming to church! and they want to by married! We have tons of famliies like this! and we dont have enough time in the day to visit all of them! and i feel like such an instrument in the hands of the Lord. He brings us to these people. and them to family, we found based on a small impressioni had. We were walking about Saturday night, ALL of our appointments fell through. no one accepted us into their homes, and it was already 8;40 at night. something told me, visit hermana Marlith. which was strange..she´s already a member, and her family is REALLY active. but we went, and siting under a light post, right next door was a woman, i knew Heavenly Father wanted us to talk to her. So we contacted her, and we´ve taught her already. She and her twin sister want to get married with their spouses and be members of this church. We bring them a book of mormon tonight. I love this work. and i love these people. and i LOVE having the spirit with us.

The miracle companion
If i haven't already mentioned. i´m training! and hermana Reyes is SO humble, so likeable, so polite and she always has a smile on her face. She is forgiving and she always the atonement to work in HER life, as well as everyone else's. we are seeing miracles here. and she´s only just begun this work!

The miracle Sunday
This one´s pretty obvious. it was Fast Sunday after all.
First of all, we woke up to rain! Heavenly Father watches out for us. When we fast here, i don´t do it halfway. The mission says we can drink water too. but i´ve stronger than the average sissy. So we fasted the full 24 hours, and waking up and NOT finding heat, and NOT finding sun.was SUCH a beautiful blessing from the Lord. THEN we continued to knock doors, so remind our investigators we had church. Hermano Hernan was already. he had his Book of Mormon all wrapped up in plastic, and we headed to church with Kiara, a 14 yr old. who was baptized without her family. (we´re teaching them and getting them married this november). At church our baptisms from the last night came! (thank goodness and thanks to Heavenly Father) they were confirmed, and then! we realized that Cesar, couldn't sign his own baptismal register. HIS PARENTS had to!!! woops. He´s the one that lives near the river that seperates Brazil and Peru. (exaggerating a tiny bit, but really, Brazil is like right there). We didn't have money, nor time to go, and whats more, if we got there, and his parents weren´t there.....likewhat!?! Two minutes later, his cousin walks in and told us that his parents were outside the chapel waiting to take him home!!!!!!! we ran out of relief society, and his parents signed his register.
all is well that ends well.

There are only a few of the moments that the Lord has let us have. and it is sufficient. We´re praying, fasting and working for more! I love this work, and i know this church is true.
I have traded 18 months of my life for this. and i am willing to give it all, all that I have, to show Him I love Him. I will teach it from the mountaintops, from the wooden huts, or at the corners of the grifos. I will testify this, that I know Jesus Christ is my Savior, and that He lives, and that we are in His work, that God has a plan for everyone of us, and we can understand it too. I know everything will be alright. I know that this life is more than the things we can have, it´s so much more beautiful than that.
I know this church is true, the Book of Mormon is the word of God and anyone can find happiness in this book, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and that Thomas S. Monson speaks to God for the benefit of us and our families.
i love you all too! and i hope that you can see the miracles that God gives to y´all this week!
Hermana Talbert

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